Learn to Earn by Monetizing Yourself with Supporters at Gary Club

Learn to Earn Grow Your Supporter Base

How it works

This is a very exciting new feature in the Gary.Club Creator Community. 

Every Social Connector user now has a public profile page on gary.club. Mine is https://gary.club/meir

On your page, you can have enabled a button for other users to click on and Support you by buying your coin.

Every coin has an increasing value over the preceding coin. So you could buy a coin, for example and be the 10th coin. Then say in a week you decide to sell that coin by clicking the Stop Supporting button. If at that time more coins have sold, you will make a profit. You, the supporter.

You the creator make 7% of the sale price each time your coin is bought and also each time your coin is sold.

Creators make money.

Supporters make money.

We all win.

Make Money With Coins

How to get set-up

  1. You need to have a free account at Social Connector
  2. Choose a username that you are happy with because it will be the name of your coin and your URL.
  3. Buy some SOL. You need crypto to function in this ecosystem. Click the Buy SOL button in the top right of Social Connector. You will be prompted to use your credit/debit card through a 3rd-party processor.
  4. In the Social Connector menu on the left side, go to the Monetization section.
  5. Activate your coin here.
  6. Email me and let me know your new profile page address so I can support you!

Communicate with Your Supporters

Have you heard of the app Telegram? It is similar to WhatsApp. You can integrate it with your account at Social Connector for free and have a private group for your supporters to engage with you.

When someone first supports you they will be auto-invited to join the group.
When they stop supporting you they will be removed from the group.

Have fun!

SocialFi, or Social Finance, is an exciting new concept. Get your friends and followers involved because winning is fun, but it is more fun to win with others.

One more thing...

Now that you have earned money with your creator coin you are probably wondering how to get that digital currency out of there and into your pocket so you can enjoy Taco Tuesday for free.

We have an article all about that

4 thoughts on “Learn to Earn by Monetizing Yourself with Supporters at Gary Club”

  1. Brenda says:

    Love it, Meir. You may want to add that they just need .1 SOL, or even .05 SOL (which is just a couple of dollars now) to begin the process.

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